Meaning of (घायल और बीमार आदमियों को ले जाने वाली गाडी) ghayal aur beemar adamiyon ko le jane valee gadee,ghayal aur bimar adamiyon ko le jane vali gadi in english

As noun :
ambulance Ex:  Staff Nurse, Nurse who runs a chief ambulance or hospital services
Suggested : a specially equipped motor vehicle, airplane, ship, etc, for carrying sick or injured people, usually to a hospital
Exampleघायल और बीमार आदमियों को ले जाने वाली गाडी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(घायल और बीमार आदमियों को ले जाने वाली गाडी) ghayal aur beemar adamiyon ko le jane valee gadee,ghayal aur bimar adamiyon ko le jane vali gadi can be used as noun.. No of characters: 42 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ghaayala aura biimaara aadamiyo.n ko le jaane vaalii gaaDii

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